There have been so many sketches over the past few months trying to figure out what will look best, work best, what can be afforded, and what can be accomplished. I'm trying to use what I have and can collect second hand to save money. So far, this {image} is where we're at.

And now for some elaboration...
The piece that much of my color decisions were made around is a Celtic throw I have- if you've ever been to a ren faire or new age store I'm sure you know the kind. Mine is a beautiful denim blue with black interlaced horses and knotwork (gentle sketched in above on the right wall). I love the colors, and I love purple with blue (bonus: purple gets attention without being obnoxious). From there is where I went with deciding how to color everything else.
I plan on buying a canvas drop cloth and painting it up like a grey-blue stone wall for behind the framed art work (left wall). I considered painting a forest scene or a knotwork tree (mocking some of the other tapestry throws out there), but after making this sketch I thought anything more than a fairly simple pattern would become too busy and detract from the items on display. I'm also thinking about adding small grommets where I want to hang the frames. The frames will then have cup hooks attached and I can just hook the frames right into the canvas backdrop. As long as I secure the backdrop well, it should work and the frames will add weight to it to keep it down. That's the theory anyway, otherwise frames will be hung with wire/string/cord/jute/fishing line.
Side Curtains
The ombre curtains in the corner are still yet to be made. I have a bunch of old but nice white sheets (same style, different sizes) that I think I might attempt to ombre dye. Why? Because I think having a little color, especially a gradient, will draw people in more than just white, but I want the curtains to have some relation to the white tent. That and I think they would just look "off" being only white. Since I'm not going to add anything atop the tent, I'm trying to keep some uniformity but add a little interest. Plus, some fairs require you to have white tents, and I think even this idea would be acceptable at stricter venues. Or so I would hope.
Table Coverings
I have two other white sheets, a twin and a queen, that I will dye to the denim blue color and sew into a table cloth. I just picked up some beautiful purple fabric from JoAnn Fabrics: I lucked out and walked into a fresh clearance sweep and found it marked down to $6...but Red Tag (clearance) was 50% off so I got it for only $3! Over four yards, for about $12. That will cover two tables (shown) and then some.
Above the art wall are some vines and flowers that I think will soften the display a bit. I really want to bring a nature feel into this booth, particularly because my brand of fantasy is whimsical and nature oriented. I've had this string of moss and hanging flowers [I made] in my room for a long time, and I've refreshed it for the booth. I'll show it up close and how-to later.
I also picked up some surprisingly decent faux flowers at the dollar store, along with some reindeer moss. I love that stuff! And for price(s) compared to the craft store, you can't go wrong. I plan to wrap some kraft paper around some wire and glue on some flowers to look like a vine. That will attach to the "ceiling" to hide some of the frame and give the booth a little extra atmosphere. Hopefully.
I'll probably hang this stuff up with some strong magnets since my tent frame is made of steel.
I've had these salvaged frames kicking around for years. They are baby blue and baby pink, so they definitely need some paint to make them uniform and actually go with the color theme. Initially I was going to paint them gold to tie in to the illumination/fantasy thing, but again after making this sketch I decided black would be better. Black would also allow me to use them again for a different type of venue, and it's neutral. Incidentally, that is something I'm trying to keep in mind while planning all this: keep the bigger items multi-venue friendly. Meaning, don't permanently make a display something you can only use at Renaissance fairs if you think you might want to do regular art fairs or more modern/normal venues.
Display Items
Awhile back, I picked up some small, narrow wooden crates that were on sale at the craft store. I'll be staining those a dark, warm wood tone: probably a dark walnut. These will hold prints. After the holidays, I also bought several of those small, laser cut wooden ornaments that I might use for signage on the boxes, after staining or painting them of course.
There are two black velvet necklace displays, and I have two rather large candle stands a friend gave me years ago. The candle stands are a bit dragon/gothic with some knotwork, one gold and one silver. The necklace displays fit well on these and the stands elevate the displays. I'll eventually secure these together with some Velcro or carpet tape. There was a bit of empty space on top of the candle stand around the base of the necklace display, so I cut out some felt and glued on some reindeer moss and a few small flowers. An alternate idea would have been to fill the top of the stand with glass drops or pebbles around the necklace display, but I'm trying to pull in some nature again.
Also shown is a mirror in the middle. It's actually an ornate standing frame I found at the second hand shop for $10, but I'm going to replace the glass with a mirror. It'd be nice if it tilted up, but it's great as it is.
There's also a black candelabra I had found years ago in the Halloween clearance section at Walmart that I thought would come in handy one day. I did the same thing with the felt/moss on the candelabra, and I'll either add some LED flame-less taper candles or just some regular unlit/pre-dripped candles. I do have some LED flame-less votive candles I will place around the table/booth. If I can find or make a chandelier, I'll decorate it generally the same way.
The chair coverings are still up for a decision. I may just add a simple covering, rather than get too fancy. The banner hanging down from the right wall I made out of duck canvas cut to shape and finished with blue bias tape on the edges. It folds over the tent frame and attaches with Velcro. On the banner I'm going to write and illuminate basic information people might want to know.
Back to the main art table: the candle stands come in big square boxes which I've used to support a pine board as a riser shelf. This shelf is then just covered with cloth and the display items put on top. No need for anything fancy, and I don't have to worry about packing boxes kicking around!
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